Fabricación de otras máquinas herramienta

sin logotipo

Amorebieta-Etxano - Duranguesado (Vizcaya - País Vasco)


Fabricación de máquinas herramienta para trabajar el metal y otras máquinas herramienta

Productos y servicios

Fabricacion de herramientas de precision y maquinas brochadoras

Fabricación de otras máquinas herramienta
Fabricación de herramientas
Fabricación de otras máquinas herramienta
Fabricación de herramientas
Manufacture of other machine tools
Manufacture of tools
The company, with registered head office located in Amorebieta-Etxano, Spain, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of machines and tools. It was established in 1963. The company is recognised as a worldwide leader in its field, manufacturing complete packages of machines and tools in broaching and spline rolling. The company consists of 120 highly dedicated and experienced team of employees. This balanced team consists of both youth and experience that constantly strives to create innovative design and manufacture that meets the ever demanding needs of its customers. Located in its modern 12,000 sq. meter facility, the company's range of products includes broach tools (internal and external) rolling rack tooling (splines and threads) together with broaching machines, rolling rack machines and associated equipment such as broach holders and fixtures. In addition, it manufactures hobs and milling cutters and offers sub contract broaching services.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 194704 - AMOREBIETA-ETXANO (Vizcaya)

Tlf: +34 946731112
Fax: +34 946300451

Web: www.ekin.es